Thursday, September 6, 2012

Checking Things Off

Sometimes you find when setting goals that there are some goals you might not be able to do even though you had good intentions. I found one such goal in my list. I stopped by the library about a month ago to return a book and realized that they were doing a blood drive that day. I had a free day ahead and remembered that "giving blood" was on my 52 list so I marched into the waiting area and sat down. I was told to sign in and then take the notebook on the table and read all about giving blood. The first page in the notebook talked about the process and then there was a page on who is eligible to give blood.  I started reading through this list and quickly realized that I don't qualify to give blood. There was a section that read: "If you have lived for more than five years in any of these countries since 1980, you cannot give blood."  As I scanned the list I saw, Japan, England and Germany all listed. In total I've lived 8 years in those countries from 1992 onward so I went over to talk to the lady who gave me instructions to read the notebook and told her where I'd lived and how long and she said that I was past the limit of time for overseas living so I would not be able to give blood. I walked away feeling a little dejected.  I will still put a checkmark by this goal because I did try with every intention of succeeding but what can you do??? If they don't want your blood, you can't force it on them.  I'm now curious to know why my blood is considered tainted.
With the help of Cory and Amber (my two eldest) I was able to check off another box of "rock climbing".  All three of my kids have been rock climbers since we first moved to Colorado. They like to go to Garden of the Gods and climb and I've been with them on many climbs as their photographer.  I've always thought it looked like fun but I wasn't sure how my back would handle it.  I added it to my list this year because I thought it would be a fun activity to do with the kids and deep down it was something I wanted to try. I told Cory that rock climbing was on my list last winter and with each visit he was hopeful to find time where we could try it. On my last visit after the birth of his second son, he told me that we were definitely going to do it while I was there. We waited until Amber arrived and made a plan to go to the local rock climbing gym late at night so that there wouldn't be as many people to work around. They showed me how to secure the knots on the rope and tied me in and then showed me the different routes signified by colored tapes. I started on the easiest route and they helped me find the right holds to move on up the wall. I made it to the top twice and belayed Amber once so I could learn that aspect of it too. I let them both do some harder climbs and then attempted one more right before leaving. I got half way up and couldn't get my arms to pull up anymore so I rappelled down and called it a day. I definitely enjoyed it and think I would try it again sometime. It took a great deal of upper body strength which I am not blessed with currently. Someday I might try real climbing at the Garden of the Gods but I'm happy to say I did accomplish another goal.

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