So far on most of my "52" item lists I'm keeping up with one a week but one of the ones that has fallen behind is my scrapbook pages. Just in time to help out, my friend, Shimelle, sent an email about her latest class "Pretty Paper Party" which I immediately signed up for. It serves two purposes...to add to my completed class lists and hopefully to inspire me to make more pages. She always inspires me with her ideas so my intention is to make sure I make some of the projects that she introduces these next four weeks and fill up my "52 scrapbook pages" section of my journal quickly.
I finished another book yesterday and loved it. 9 Lessons by Kevin Alan Milne was an inspiring book. He's quickly earning a spot in my favorite authors list. This book is themed around a rocky father/son relationship. The father attempts to teach his son about life through the game of golf. I hope to start my next book this afternoon for my daily sit on the porch reading time.
I think I'm a little behind on the journal writing but I hope to work on that this week. My blog updating is going well and I'm keeping up with the letter writing. My first letter sent was returned 10 days later with an undeliverable sticker on it. I verified the address and found that it is correct so I put it back in the mail with a note that the address is correct and to re-send with the same stamp. Hopefully it will eventually get to Brenda. I wrote to my bestest Indiana friend last week since she's always been good to write letters to me. I'll have to decide who this week's letter recipient will be and get something in the mail tomorrow to that person. The writing part of my challenge is the easiest for me. I like having my journal handy for seeing the progress on my lists. It's a good motivator for sure.
My weekend in Las Vegas gave me a good boost on my goal to learn to shoot in Manual mode. We took our cameras out one evening and kept them in manual so we could learn to shoot pictures of the neon lights at night. By the end of the evening we were getting our settings pretty good for some great shots on the strip. My next step is to bring it to inside the house and learn to adjust for the different lights I find here. I'll feel like I've mastered it when I can go into any lighting change, adjust my settings and take a good picture.
I need to find a few days to go technology free this month. It might have to happen when we go on our trip to Akron/NC. I thought I might like to do this on my birthday but then I would miss all the fun birthday wishes on Facebook and that was enough to change my mind. The rest of the weekend I will be attending the "True Scrap" online scrapping weekend so I will be overloading on computer time. Maybe the Sunday after that ends will be another good time to be technology free. Would have to arrange to do my Liam skyping on Saturday and that will work out good.
This weeks Art Journal challenge is "I AM" and I've got ideas rolling through my head on how to decorate my card. I'm really enjoying the creative inspiration of doing a new card each week. The two I've done so far are rather cute. I've never done ATC's before so it's also adding something to my "do something new" list. Pretty cool how some of these items can intertwine on my list to fulfill two things with one event.
Still motivated. No colas, no scale and pants feeling looser. It's all good.
What an AWESOME thing to do! Inspiring!